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How To Remove Blackheads Safely Without Much Pain

Blackheads are hard to ignore. Be it on your nose, chin or cheeks, these black comedones can deteriorate your skin texture and can even lead to breakouts.  It’s tough not to go to town on them, especially when they keep showing up and you cannot go knocking at a salon every week. For the good part—you can safely remove them at home. This blackheads removal routine is all you need for easy extraction. 

In This Article:

What Are Blackheads?

How To Remove Blackheads At Home?

Tempting as it may be to tackle blackheads with a satisfying squeeze, resorting to makeshift methods like using nails or pore strips can be harsh on the skin. The urge intensifies when those stubborn blackheads keep making unwelcome appearances, and salon visits become impractical on a weekly basis. However, there's a safer and more effective way to address blackheads removal at home. Let's explore a reliable routine for removing blackheads, ensuring that if you're going to take matters into your own hands, you do it right!

What Are Blackheads?

Contrary to what is widely believed, blackheads are not the result of dirty pores. They are, in fact, a side effect of clogged sebum. It is when excess oil and dirt get accumulated in the pore and get oxidised because of exposure to air. This makes them dark or black in colour, giving them their name: blackheads.

How To Remove Blackheads At Home?

Be it on your nose, chin or cheeks, gather around and listen close, because these blackheads removal tips will make your skin do the happy dance.

Step 1: Start With A Clean Face 

Before you make a nose dive into the pore-party, it is imperative that you start with clean skin. Our 100% soap-free Refreshing Facial Wash eliminates gunk and impurities in the gentlest way. Use lukewarm or warm water while cleansing. 

Step 2: Scrub Away 

Scrubbing will do two things - clear your skin of dead skin cells as well as soften the skin. Our Clear Pore Facial Scrub is the pore-fect pick for this job. Formulated with the minutest bamboo exfoliators, Zinc, Witch Hazel and Thyme, this scrub clears up pore-clogging dirt and refines your pores for smoother-looking skin. Remember to apply light to medium pressure, focusing more on areas that need extraction. Wash with lukewarm or warm water. 

Step 3: Steam Time 

Consider steaming as the last nail in the coffin. Steam your face for a minute or two to loosen up all that hardened oil and dirt in the pores and allow for easy extraction. Once done, take a washcloth and dip it in that hot water. Wring out the excess and use that cloth to trap heat in the affected area. This will ensure that your skin remains soft and the blackhead is less stubborn to extract.

Step 4: Use A Blackhead Removal Tool 

When using an extracting tool, use the rounded curved ends to gently press on each side of the blackhead until it begins to release. Apply steady pressure and keep alternating on both sides. Then use a cotton swab to wipe and clean the area. Remember to not go overboard. If a blackhead is particularly stubborn and does not come out easily, then take a deep breath and let it go. Forcefully trying to extract it can damage your skin and cause scarring. 

Step 5: Post Extraction Care 

Now that your nose feels smoother than ever and your chin is bump-free, the post extraction care will ensure that it stays so for long. Firstly, splash some cold water on your face. This will help with the redness and probable swelling. You can also apply some ice to calm inflammation. Then, gently pat dry and apply an alcohol-free toner. Our Soothing Facial Toner is infused with Chamomile and Witch Hazel that calms your skin and tightens the pores. 

How To Prevent Blackheads? 

While blackheads removal is not like moving mountains, it’s always wise to follow the motto of ‘prevention is better than cure’, when it comes to the matters of skin. Here are some things you can do to reduce the frequency of these extractions and have healthy skin overall. 

1. Always use gentle cleansers

A cleanser is not a cry for scrub war, just because you have blackheads. Instead, switch to something that is non-stripping and soap-free that cleanses your skin and pores without exacerbating the problem. 

2. Regular Exfoliation 

Make it a habit to scrub your face at least once a week, and not just when the extraction is due. Doing this will lift dead skin cells and dirt off your pores while allowing it to breathe. 

3. Use A Mask 

Clay masks are truly God-sent for people whose skin is frequented by blackheads. They control excess sebum and prevent your pores from clogging. Our Protect N Glow Vitamin C Brighten Clay Mask is made with 100% natural clay, along with Vitamin C and Niacinamide that draw out dirt from your skin, while leaving it looking instantly brighter and softer. 

4. Moisturise Well 

People with oily or acne-prone skin aka the audience for blackheads holders often villianise moisturisers, because it adds to the greasiness. But, finding the right moisturiser is like finding your skincare soulmate. Because it will deliver hydration as well as prevent your sebaceous glands from working over time. Luckily, you do not have to go looking for one, because our Hydrating Light Moisturiser Lotion is for you! Cut back on grease, not hydration with this lightweight and fast-absorbing wonder. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q:1 Do blackheads leave behind holes?

A. No, they do not leave behind holes. Although, after an extraction, you might notice that pore looks more noticeable, resembling a hole, but it isn’t one. The pore was merely dilated due to congestion. By regularly using a pore-minimising toner, it should go back to its original form.

Q:2 Does Vaseline melt blackheads?

A. There is no proven evidence that Vaseline helps in melting away pores. In fact, dermatologists believe that it might worsen the case and can even cause acne. 

Q:3 Do blackheads go away naturally? 

A. If the blackhead is close to the surface of your skin, it might go away with daily cleansing. However, most blackheads are embedded deep in the skin and you might want to extract them on your own or get them professionally removed.

Rhea Shah
Written by Rhea Shah on Feb 06, 2024
Rhea has banked on her passion for writing and beauty to be where she is today. When she isn't looking up fancy synonyms for simple words aka working, she is either traveling, making travel plans, or exploring a new restaurant.
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